What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is being fully present and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.

Fully present you ask. Yep! Fully present is not only knowing where you are. It’s not only knowing who you are with. It is having your full mental focus on “the who” and “the where”.

Is it possible?

This is a HUGE challenge to us when our phone is buzzing. When we are making plans for later and our social media post is blowing up! Am I Right? How many times have you been frustrated with your friend or coworker who is “not there” with you? A person that is physically with you but totally distracted is NOT really “with you”.

Don’t be that guy!

It’s not magic!

Also! Mindfulness is not a magical state of being. Or some mystical sitting in the mountains sort of thing. Everyone can focus on where and who they are with. A few years ago, I used to watch my daughters play together with their stuffed animals. They would be FULLY present with where, who, and what they were doing for HOURS!

The problem!

What we have that my daughters didn’t have a few years ago was a million things to take care of! As we become older there are more and more “things” we must process. School, work, friends, cars, food, etc… We drift further and further from a mindfulness state of being. It’s an unhealthy natural progression of our lives.

The Solution!

Two big ways to improve our mindfulness state is meditation and journaling. One is passive one is active. I tried meditation for a while and found it too passive. After I paid lots of money for an online course and after 16 weeks of trying I finally stop kicking myself. I knew for sure it wasn’t for me, but I tried to force myself to do it.

Journaling (more active) is a way to practice being in a mindfulness state. This practice translates into other parts of your life naturally. You don’t really have to try hard since it comes automatically.

Get to the good stuff!

Grab your pen and journal and complete these prompts. Try to write them with as few distractions as possible (this is a different place for everyone). Mindfulness writing at an MMA Cage match will NOT prove the best results. 🤣

1. Today I am most concerned about… (and why)

This is a great prompt to brain dump what is on your mind! Stream of consciousness writing about what your concerns is GOLDEN! The idea is to write it out and cope with it. Then you will not be overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around you.

2. Today I am grateful for… (and why)

Gratitude prompts will always and forever be on journaling prompt lists. They are so good for your mind and mood. But for this exercise focus on today. Right now.

3. Today I am looking forward to… (and why)

Again, this is another brain dump prompt that will totally free your mind. What you are looking forward to often gets in the way of “you being you” in the present!

4. I feel most connected with who I am and what I want when… (and why)

When I use this prompt, I end up spending a few minutes thinking what to write. Connectedness is hard to define but if you can begin to capture it, you’ll become better at it. Connectedness will become more automatic.

5. One of my most important moral values is… (and why)

Your moral values are another thing that can keep you from being in a mindfulness state. I am a Christian man and when I’m with someone who blasts my religious beliefs as being foolish my blood could boil. But if we are not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us then we can focus on what is important.

6. Today I see myself as… (and why)

This one racks my brain. What do I see myself as? Well, I’ll give you my answer and you can work off of that. Today I see myself as a husband and a father of 5 kids. Why? because it grounds me as a real person and not some nameless provider of money and services. The goal of this prompt is to write what is in your “mind’s eye” about who you are.

7. Today what I love most about life is… (and why)

I love this prompt. I write about what I love most about life all the time. It’s so good to remind yourself about what you love most about life. It’s encouraging to yourself and those around you. Also, if know what you love about life you will not be overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around you.

Now go grab a pen and journal and write!

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  1. Pauline

    Thanks for sharing this one on reddit! I love the content

    • Scott

      Thank you so much! This is such an important topic! I’m glad you found it useful.

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