I’ve heard so much about gratitude journals lately, but starting one and sticking to it is a challenge!

Today I’m going to give some tips on how to start and keep a gratitude journal.

Why is this important?

  1. Decades of research has shown that gratitude is beneficial for your physical and mental wellbeing.  Not just your mind and soul, but your body too! 
  2. I believe that it your mental posture plays a big part in gratitude.  To be grateful to someone you have to be willing to accept what they are sending your way.  It might be acts of service, words of affirmation, gifts, or even quality time.
  3. Also, there is nothing new here, the bible which is probably the oldest written word on the planet has 1000’s places where gratitude is recommended, commanded, and expressed.  If you’d like to know more about the bible, let me know.  I read it every day!

How to get the most benefit.

  1. Gratitude is something that you should take seriously.  It’s o.k. to start with being grateful for objects, but dig a little deeper.  Being grateful for who is more important.
  2. Quality over quantity is most important.  Instead of being grateful for 100 things today, write how and why you are grateful for 5 people today!
  3. Make it personal!  When you see a reoccurring person in your gratitude journal.  I challenge you to reach out to that person and let them know.  This is when the rubber hits the road!
  4. Lastly, dig deep a couple of times per week.  Let the gratitude marinate in your mind.  Think hard on it and enjoy what you discover.  Your personal growth will accelerate if you are deeply grateful 2 or 3 times per week rather than being shallow every day.

Tips to actually keep a gratitude journal

  1. Have a dedicated journal for Gratitude.  Your gratitude entries should be dated so that you can look back on them and enjoy what you were grateful for.
  2. Where you keep your gratitude journal is ULTRA important.  If you keep it under a stack of books, or hidden out of sight then you will likely not write in it.
    1. Review your morning routine and find that place that you will see your gratitude journal. 
    2. Essentially make a visual trigger for your gratitude journal.
  3. Commit and review your progress regularly!


Tips for keeping a journal

Giving thanks can make you happier

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